Chromebooks and codebender!

If you own a Chromebook (or your school gave you one) then you were most probably disappointed to find out you couldn't program your arduino with it. There were some hacky solutions in the deep internet but required either serious modifications to your OS or just had very limited or buggy support.

But that was until now. At codebender we have you covered!

We spent several months working on support of chromebooks. We wanted to get things right and since it was quite tricky, we decided to keep silent of our progress even when things seemed going right on track.

A few weeks ago we pushed a release candidate on our servers to broaden our testing. Within hours some users found out and it didn't take much for the word to spread, so now it's time for us to say it out loud, your chromebook is supported!

All you need to do is update your chromebook to v42 (if you haven't already), install the new codebender app and that's it. You can use your chromebook just like your desktop/laptop. Unfortunately, for the moment, the only thing missing is support for USB programmers (and any board that is programmed as such), due to a bug in the current implementation of USB functionality in Chrome. But we have a patch filed and expect a solution with v43, sometime early June.

For showing some love, asking for help, or reporting something we forgot to polish, we always welcome your feedback at [email protected].