[Events] codebender at Facebook Open Academy

Greetings from sunny and unnaturally hot for the season San Diego. We're through the second day of the Facebook Academy of Code (FOA) code sprint. Yesterday students were introduced to the world of arduino and got to select their projects for this quarter (it used to be semester, now it seems to be quarters everywhere). We're giving them the chance to contribute something for the greater community of arduino, not just codebender. After the necessary familiarizing with the project requirements, we started jumping right away in code and there's already progress.

Today is going to be split between getting more progress on the projects, a quick introduction in programming patterns and (good) practice we try to enforce in codebender, leaving just enough time to prepare a presentation for the next day. On Sunday, the last day of the code sprint, despite wrapping it up with questions and setting out next weeks goals, each team will have to present a 10' summary of what their going to be working this quarter to all participants of FOA.

We seem to be squeezing quite a lot here for two and a half days, but everything's going according to schedule and hopefully by the end of it there will be enough done to help students finish off with minimal overview over the next weeks.

the codebender team

codebender team

Facebook Academy of Code (FOA) code sprint

FOA code sprint