codebender loves littleBits!


We are very excited to welcome littleBits in the codebender family!

With the mission to empower and inspire new inventors of all ages, littleBits have created various Kits of electronic building blocks that make understanding electronics and working with hardware components a piece of cake.

The littleBits kits consist of electronic building blocks that snap together thanks to magnets and make soldering and wiring redundant. Be it fast prototyping or educational motivation, the reasons for using littleBits are countless. littleBits can be used as foolproof educational material encouraging students to become inventors themselves and come with Educator’s Guides that provide lessons and tips as to how they can be used in the classroom.

The color-coded electronic Bits work as Inputs and Outputs as well as Wires and thanks to their magnets it is impossible to make a mistake when creating a circuit. They are also a great solution for DIY’ers and musicians as they make the prototyping process much faster and breadboard free.

Wanting to make the programming part of littleBits even easier codebender provides support for their development kits. Go on right away and start creating amazing new projects with littleBits and codebender!

Learn  more about littleBits!