Category: Developers say

[Developer says] Automated testing

Test Automation overview The use of special software to control the execution of tests …

[Developer says] Creating a slim page loader

Hi! I couldn’t find a better idea for this blogpost so I ended …

[Developer says] Making assumptions explicit in Javascript

Javascript is a language that is, by design, difficult to debug. It is dynamically …

[Developer says] Message queues with Symfony2 and RabbitMQ

Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) Today's web applications are all about performing several operations effectively and …

[Developer says] Unit tests in JavaScript with Mocha Chai Sinon and Karma

Many testing frameworks exist in JavaScipt nowadays. The combination that I got hands on …

Type trickery below the poverty threshold (ie. in the C++ type system)

It is well documented how broken the type system of C++/Java style languages …